Our Vision is to lead People to KNOW Jesus, to LOVE Jesus, and to SERVE Jesus.


Prayer Session

Sunday Mornings - 9:15-10:15 am in the Chapel

Come meet weekly with others to strengthen and encourage you in your faith and relationship with Jesus Christ. There will be leaders to teach, to challenge and to encourage you in your growth as a Christian. Even if you don't know Christ personally, come and see what our faith in Jesus is all about!


Cradle Roll

For parents of children under the age of 3

Cradle Roll ministry is an outreach caring ministry that reaches out beyond the church walls to young couples at their most approachable, vulnerable, impressionable time – the time when they are brand new parents with brand new and awesome responsibilities. Brand new parents of beautiful children. We match up new moms with experienced women for a mentoring relationship.


Women’s Ministry

Women's Ministry is a group of women who meet two Wednesday afternoons September through April. Our purpose is to encourage each other, study together, pray for our missionaries, and occasionally guest speakers. We welcome all women to come.


Mom’s Time Out

Thursday mornings 9:30-11:30 am. Child Care available. This is a great time to come and be encouraged by fellowshipping with other young moms, sharing and praying for each other.