
This event doesn’t run without the help of our amazing volunteers! We have lots of spots to fill, so if you are willing to serve in any capacity, have a look at what positions suit you!


If you have any questions, please contact Carson Parago at: 204-304-1513 or paragocarson@gmail.com


Set-Up Crew

We want this VBS program to be immersive for the kids. We are looking to decorate the sanctuary stage, the main entrance room, the coat room, and the chapel. The role as set help is to help achieve the goal of an immersive experience to the best of your ability. The time frame for help needed will be from 6:00p.m till 9:00p.m Sunday (July 24th), as well as during the day, 1:00p.m till complete, on Monday (July 25th). Coffee and snacks will be provided during those time frames.

People needed: As many as possible


Tech Crew

Throughout the week we will be using mics, video, and sound. We need people who know how, or are willing to learn how to operate the video and sound!

People needed: 2 people per night


Worship Leaders

Kids love singing! We need leaders who are willing to teach the songs and the actions to the kids throughout the week! We also need actors! Skits are a great way to teach lessons, and we need people who can step back in time to become the characters of the Bible and teach the stories in ways kids can see and experience!

People needed: Minimum of 6



We need volunteers to provide snacks for the week. We would like those providing the snack to be a part of this immersive experience serving and talking to the kids in your “bakery”.

People needed: At least 1 per day


Group Leaders

As a group leader, the goal is to tend to the needs of the kids and to help them out and engage them at each station. You are the caretakers, the engagers, and the leaders. Your goal is to ensure everyone in your group is accounted for as well as building connections with your group.

People needed: 1 adult and 1 youth per group


Game Leaders

We want to engage the youth in fun activities during this time slot. Game leaders are in charge of creating, organizing, and executing the games throughout the week. Don’t worry, we can help along the way, but get creative with it!

People needed: 2 people


Synagogue Rabbi

We’re looking for an individual to be the local Rabbi! Show the kids what a Jerusalem school looked like and teach things like the Hebrew alphabet and what school could’ve looked like for Jesus!